30” x 36” Modern Art with Gemstones
Resin on Wood Cradle
Encrusted with onyx, agate and quartz
Wrapped in 14K gold leaf
Available for Sale

Gold Rush
36” x 48” Modern Art with Gemstones
Resin on wood cradle
Encrusted with pyrite, gold obsidian and quartz
Wrapped in 14K gold leaf
Privately Commissioned

Tree of Life
48” x 48” Judiac Art with Gemstones
Resin on wood cradle Multi-dimensionalEncrusted with emeralds, peridot, coral, lapis lazuli, pyrite and Venetian glass
Custom Commission Available
“She is a tree of life to them that lay hold upon her, and happy is everyone that holds her fast. Her ways are ways of pleasantness and all her paths are peace.”
Mishlei (Proverbs) 3:17-18
I have always been inspired by the tree of life. It’s meaning and all that represents. That is why I decided to do this piece. I enjoyed every moment making it and felt inspired by it the entire time!

Triptych 72” x 24”
Resin on wood cradles
Encrusted with pyrite, semi-precious stones and quartz
Wrapped in 14K gold leaf
Privately Commisoned

48” x 48” 3D Resin on wood cradle
Encrusted with pyrite, semi-precious gemstones and quartz.
Wrapped in 925 silver leaf
Privately Commissioned

Golden Lava
24"x24" resin on wood, wrapped in gold leaf, multi-dimentional, embedded with genuine semi-precious gemstones.Including Citrine, Tiger's Eye, Agate and Quartz. A super elegant statement piece that would beautify any room in your home or office.
Available for sale

24” x 30” Resin on wood cradle
Encrusted with semi-precious gemstons and quartz

24” x 30” Resin on wood cradle
Encrusted with semi-precious gemstones and quartz
Wrapped in 14K gold leaf
Available for Sale